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Why did you choose Nintendo?

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What was it about Nintendo that made you choose it?
For me it was nothing specific or comparison with any other console. I already had Nintendo 3DS which was the best hand held gaming device for me at that time and I was very happy with it and so I chose to stick with Nintendo.
My last nintendo device was the Nintendo DS. I think the main reason I went with Nintendo was because I had Nintendo devices and consoles before that and I had a good experience with those so I thought the DS would be a good choice. I ended up not being too happy with the DS to be honest as I thought I should have gone with the Sony PSP as it had most of the games that I liked and enjoyed like GTA


Staff member
I started with Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), I've always enjoyed Nintendo's consoles and games, but ever since Nintendo's GameCube failure, I stopped buying Nintendo consoles altogether. One console failure was enough. Nintendo 64 was an amazing console, that had some of the best video games ever launched on a console, but it has the same problem that GameCube had: A prolonged software drought. Some years, you'd go 6 months without a video game release on Nintendo 64, and it continued into GameCube. But part of that has/had to do with Nintendo's fatal mistake in 1992 through 1994. Nintendo wanted Mortal Kombat to be PG, and the players wanted a freakin' Mature game, not some kid's game. That's how Nintendo earned that "kiddie" reputation.

I was always a Genesis guy when Super NES was out. I missed out on a lot of the golden Super NES games, but I caught up to the lineup. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, goddamn near perfect conversion of Mortal Kombat II, and more. The console war was so hot, you couldn't even decide who had better games, it was THAT good. But no, Nintendo screwed up with Mortal Kombat, and it's costing them down the line. And here we are, 4/5 consoles later, they're still miraculously alive.

I will eventually get Nintendo Switch, but it's not going to be because of the Third Party support, which Nintendo claims to be "fixing" but I know they're going to screw it up. I'll buy it for Zelda, the eventual Metroid announcement, the eventual Smash Bros. announcement, the eventual F-Zero announcement. And so on. However, that's the problem with Nintendo - they seem to think that the Nintendo franchises will carry them to the next generation. No, it won't.


New Member
I started with Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), I've always enjoyed Nintendo's consoles and games, but ever since Nintendo's GameCube failure, I stopped buying Nintendo consoles altogether. One console failure was enough. Nintendo 64 was an amazing console, that had some of the best video games ever launched on a console, but it has the same problem that GameCube had: A prolonged software drought. Some years, you'd go 6 months without a video game release on Nintendo 64, and it continued into GameCube. But part of that has/had to do with Nintendo's fatal mistake in 1992 through 1994. Nintendo wanted Mortal Kombat to be PG, and the players wanted a freakin' Mature game, not some kid's game. That's how Nintendo earned that "kiddie" reputation.

I was always a Genesis guy when Super NES was out. I missed out on a lot of the golden Super NES games, but I caught up to the lineup. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, goddamn near perfect conversion of Mortal Kombat II, and more. The console war was so hot, you couldn't even decide who had better games, it was THAT good. But no, Nintendo screwed up with Mortal Kombat, and it's costing them down the line. And here we are, 4/5 consoles later, they're still miraculously alive.

I will eventually get Nintendo Switch, but it's not going to be because of the Third Party support, which Nintendo claims to be "fixing" but I know they're going to screw it up. I'll buy it for Zelda, the eventual Metroid announcement, the eventual Smash Bros. announcement, the eventual F-Zero announcement. And so on. However, that's the problem with Nintendo - they seem to think that the Nintendo franchises will carry them to the next generation. No, it won't.
i was exactly the same with nintendo, gave up at the gamecube stage,and id started at exactly the same time as you with the NES.
ive come back only since my sister told me she coud get £90 odd quid off a switch at her store using her thingy (sorry,my memory is damaged from my epilepsy- and i cant remember the word for this, staff savings card,it was a black friday deal for them),shes bought me it and im waiting to get it off her.
its the nintendo online service that especialy apeals to me most-ive never been able to use it before, but as a PC gamer,it seems a lot like steam to me, a place in which you can find a lot of indie talent, such as spirit of the north and AWAY,or big games like FORZA horizon 4 (sadly i need to wack in another stick of RAM before horizon 5 will play).
im looking forward to playing to the zelda games-my last one being 4 swords adventures! and spirit of the north again-im hoping the controls will be a bit more refined than on the PC.

sega were my actual console favourites as i enjoyed the japanese orientated games ,ive got two saturns now, one J-NTSC that has been modded and needs all its capacitors replacing and one PAL (that,not surprisingly needs all its capacitors replacing), the amount of decent RPGs akin to zelda on the japanese market were amazing, ive bought so many but the games are incredibly expensive now days yu only have to follow panzer dragoon saga (for example) auctions to see how bad it can get-ive seen copies sell for over £1000 on ebay. i buy a lot of japanese language versions as its cheaper and i use a camera translator on my ipad to tell me what theyre saying-its a good method if its a turn based RPG you are playing so youve got a bit of time on your hands.
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