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Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
Show us what you look like!


Newest picture of me, with my red hair! Though, it doesn't really look red, more of the lighting putting a red tint than the actual color, but I promise it's red. ;-;

Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
Except that everyone already has considering my "Kat and Chris" thread I made back in 2008. >__> Just saying. :D

Darth Arkas

Lol you people. I knew what Kat looked like from way the fuck back when, didn't have any real cluse on you 2.

No, you don't get pics of me. Kat, if you find a way to steal them from facebook or something (conniving bitch, don't even. I know you're waiting for the opportunity to strike. :( ), you will find I show in your mailbox. And THEN your mailbox asplodes in pretty fire things!


Well-Known Member
Lol you people. I knew what Kat looked like from way the fuck back when, didn't have any real cluse on you 2.

No, you don't get pics of me. Kat, if you find a way to steal them from facebook or something (conniving bitch, don't even. I know you're waiting for the opportunity to strike. :( ), you will find I show in your mailbox. And THEN your mailbox asplodes in pretty fire things!

You know... you REALLY shouldn't say things like that around me. Because, seriously, I'll do it man. And I don't really see the point of keeping yourself concealed on the net unless all your pictures are taken with an iPhone. They're already on FaceBook, bro. What's the big deal? It's like saying you're afraid to be named online by your real name, which half of us already know. Again, not seeing the point. Full name, maybe, but again, that's on your facebook.

Darth Arkas

Yeah. But I've changed my privacy settings so that people I know see me, and that's it. Not sure if you recall, but there's a pretty decent reason I left WF in the first place. If you're gonna start shit w/ me too, then see ya.

Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
Andddd this was a surprise to Chris, because I didn't want to tell him anything about it. >> BECAUSE HE'D BE ALL "LOL NO DON'T." Despite the fact that it's my hair. Anyway.





Gonna be doing something else to it in a couple of days, so. Yeah. Another surprise. :D


Well-Known Member
I think it's sexy. Get off the plane when you get home looking like that and we might get arrested at the airport. Awwww yeah.

EDIT: Change your FaceBook profile picture to the third one. The first one makes me think of same face. >>

Yeah. But I've changed my privacy settings so that people I know see me, and that's it. Not sure if you recall, but there's a pretty decent reason I left WF in the first place. If you're gonna start shit w/ me too, then see ya.
I hadn't been here for almost 2 years up until a couple months ago. So I don't recall lol. And I wasn't starting anything. Just saying that concealing yourself online is pointless and a sign of paranoia. At least the way you get all defensive about it points to that a bit. I myself don't like to so social networking, so I don't see a point in me posting pictures. That and I generally don't like taking pictures. But, I've posted myself here before. Either way, sorry if I offended you, brozer. I was just joking around. Plus I'm pretty sure if I really did post your shit here Kat would just delete it and banninate me.

Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
I'd probably ban him for three days or something. Maybe we should put that in the rules. Hmmmmn. >>


Sacrifice Theory
This was taken at Eastern when me and a couple friends had a fun day out. I'm excited to be going back in a week.



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