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What CS:GO rank are you?

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I'm currently Master Guardian 1. I was Master Guardian 2 before the derank wave, got deranked back to Gold Nova Master, then made my way up to MG1 again. It's becoming harder to rank up because now the rank is determined relative to the overall skill of all players. If you're Global Elite it means you're better than 99% of players. It used to be absolute, now it's better. It gives you a bigger sense of achievement when you achieve a new rank.


New Member
I'm currently at Master Guardian Elite. Was Legendary Eagle before the rank update, deranked to Master Guardian 2 and managed to rank up to Master Guadrian Elite yesterday. Which I'm actually quite proud of, considering I started at Silver 3 :)


New Member
On my main I'm currently at SMFC. Haven't played much MM lately, I've been enjoying pugs lately.


New Member
MGE. I started in Nova 2 and somehow didn't get affected by the rank changes.
Sad thing is that I've never had a good or even decent mouse. First 3-5 months I was playing with a free laptop mouse, which was extremely small. It also had acceleration built-in. Now I'm using a €5 ''gaming'' mouse... It's not the greatest of mice, but it works.
I wonder what would change if I were to get a good mouse.

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