2 months isn't very long.. Mortal Kombat comes out next week and soon after that there is Resistance then Gravity Daze/Rush, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, LittleBigPlanet, Street Fighter X Tekken, Warrior's Lair, Strangers Wrath, Munch's Oddyse, Lego Batman 2, Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock, Super Monkey ball, Marvel Pinball, and lets not forget Killzone, Bioshock, Call of Duty, and Rockstar as well as many other developers are working on game that are unannounced.
Just take a look at the 3DS last year, it took about 6-8 months before anything worth playing came out! The Vita has the support, its just we have to wait for the momentum to build. It sure is annoying having no games that interest you out but Sony cant please everyone.