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PSN - Nicknames/Gamer ID's


Hey everyone, just wanted to get some threads rocking in the PS3 section so...

What's your PSN nickname/ the one you will be using or creating for Bulletstorm?

here feel free to add me!
here's mine

i actully have two psn accounts now,

HilaryDuffGta (this is mainly going to be used for my trophy whoring)

CodPlayer951 (so far this is mainly a cod name but may use it to practice multiplayer games and then go over to my main one)

Feel Free to add both if you like,if u add me though i will not be able to check my psn until friday morning around 6 am when i get to my friends house in la,but for now just add HilaryDuffGta and when i have my own ps3 in new york come march i'll be using both names
Xx_R3C0N_xX_B_ the one that looks like an o is a cero please add me and hope we could play together.

"Wh4t d03sn't k¡¡ls y0u m4k3s y0u str0ng3r"
im the legendary BLACK_PANTER_1 i will dont have the game till 23 of march(thats a lot of freaking time) but i speak spanish and english so you can add me my friends dont like and dont have the game because they think that KZ3 is better those freaking dicktits will burn in hell for that!!!!! i mean NORF!!!!
YO! My PSN is thatsmrham, pls feel free to add me as I want to get a regular crew of good, mature people together to play the balls outta some anarchy!
Create list of PSN ID to play in private games.

As you all know the multiplayer worthwhile public works, so I have decided to create a thread for us to put our PSN ID to play in private games, if you want you can put your country. solve it.

PSN id: uxio
Nationality: Spain
would love to play bulletstorm online wit anyone..ive got into a match twice since ive bought it..i even had to go out and get killzone 3 just to fullfill my online play..lol

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