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PS3 and Vita are now being bundled! (UK)

Bundling the two doesn't seem like the best idea. While they do have some cross platform functionality the price is just too high and the functionality too low.
I don't know why there is so much hate for Sony...Vita + PS3 for 499, well for this money you can get a bloody tablet that is an expensive jack of all trades device witch will be replaced in the next 9 months by a superior version. Now as a gamer would you go for that or Sony's bundle, would you go and play "free" lolgames or proper games?
Was going for £329.99 yesterday
Amazon black Friday deal

thought i saw it for that price on amazon before. Why the hell are they charging £499 now?
This £499.99 is a rip off and not worth buying.

PS3 500GB with Assassins Creed 3... £229 - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlaySt..._2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1353967388&sr=1-2

PS all stars... £37.99 http://www.amazon.co.uk/PlayStation..._1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1353967489&sr=1-1

Vita wi-fi with digital NFS:MW and 4GB card... £199 http://www.amazon.co.uk/PlayStation..._7?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1353967515&sr=1-7

All these items brought together from amazon cost £466. that is £33 cheaper with 2 extra games and a 4GB memory card.

I would also like to add that amazon seems to have put their price up for the vita bundles. It's almost christmas and they are putting up their prices?
Sure it's good for someone who wants to have both but at £500 its a bit pricey. However coming up to the holiday season, I do expect the price increase. If they wanna sell it..I say..reduce the price! Make it a bit more enticing!
I don't know why there is so much hate for Sony...Vita + PS3 for 499, well for this money you can get a bloody tablet that is an expensive jack of all trades device witch will be replaced in the next 9 months by a superior version. Now as a gamer would you go for that or Sony's bundle, would you go and play "free" lolgames or proper games?

Let me get this straight. For 499 I can get a tablet or I can get a PS3, which will be irrelevant come this E3, and a PS Vita which will be an old model once Sony releases the cheaper version come next year? Well, when you put it like that, I'll buy a Wii U.

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