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PSVita Indie Roguelike Platformer "Risk of Rain" coming to Vita


Well-Known Member

Risk of Rain is a 2D action platformer with roguelike elements featuring procedurally generated levels, enemies and bosses. The game also has a unique difficulty setting whereby it increases over time literally spent in-game, so play for 1 hour and the games gets a bit harder, play for another 10 hours and its a whole new world of pain!

I love roguelikes so this game is a no brainer for me.(y)
I love rogue-like platformers, but I'm watching the video on my iPhone and everything sure is teeny tiny. Of course the Vita screen is bigger but not exactly huge.
The characters are pretty small on the PC too, but the game is a solid rockfest and multiplayer is where it's at on this title.

I definitely recommend this title.
Looks like fun. I will probably get it. The size of the character worries/bothers me, though.
The characters are pretty small on the PC too, but the game is a solid rockfest and multiplayer is where it's at on this title.

That's what worries me - it's already tiny on a big PC screen, and now it is on a Vita screen? I hope they have reworked it for the screen size, and I hope that reworking is good.
I think I may send them an email about it as a friendly suggestion. On the PC it's there so you can see the environment around you, it's very easy to have a load of monsters after you, especially when the bosses come because they take up much of the screen with their movements.

I'll recommend a pinch zoom in/out maybe. But if there isn't one in the final product, I would bet that you'd get used to it, there's a lot of action going on usually. You'll want to see the screen to make sure you don't die XD

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