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PSVita Gearbox wants Borderlands 2 on Vita, requests Sony's help!

Oh PPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I never played the first one, but I'll get the second, but to have a game like that on the VITA would be awesome!
The fans need to let them know!!! It makes sense tho keep building your character on the road in single player go home to the ps3 and use multiplayer. Man that is what the vita is all about!
I think it would be amazing if they could actually get borderlands 2 to run on the Vita.

Borderlands 2 is my most anticipated game of the year. I played the crap out of the original borderlands. Even if did come to the Vita I still wouldnt buy it for the system... borderlands is the type of game that needs to be played on a monster PC to be appreciated.
I haven't played Borderlands 2 but I've seen enough of it to know that the Vita would benefit from having it in it's lineup. By all means make it happen Sony.
I plan on buying this on PC so if this version doesn't really have much in terms of unique features I'll probably pass on the Vita version. Looks like it will be a great game so it'll be good if it does come to Vita too.

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