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PSVita games similar to FF???

Well, you cant go wrong with ff7 :) Of course persona 4 golden is top candidate, loved this game to death. Chrono trigger is awsome too. Really if want a good jrpg, ps1 is a place to look, because squaresoft was just shiting one good jrpg after another. If you want your ass to be kicked I would suggest playing hoshigami ruining blue earth. Its a strategy rpg though, but it is HELLA hard, first time I reached third mission I was crying in a corner after 10 minutes. Second time it was 15 minutes before crying started. Hmm, that else? Well thats pretty much it. Try strategy rpg's like xcom enemy unknown, I like ff myself a lot and I really dig strategy rpgs so maybe you will love it too? Question, do like ff for the story or gameplay? Because that kinda changes things.
Well, you cant go wrong with ff7 :) Of course persona 4 golden is top candidate, loved this game to death. Chrono trigger is awsome too. Really if want a good jrpg, ps1 is a place to look, because squaresoft was just shiting one good jrpg after another. If you want your ass to be kicked I would suggest playing hoshigami ruining blue earth. Its a strategy rpg though, but it is HELLA hard, first time I reached third mission I was crying in a corner after 10 minutes. Second time it was 15 minutes before crying started. Hmm, that else? Well thats pretty much it. Try strategy rpg's like xcom enemy unknown, I like ff myself a lot and I really dig strategy rpgs so maybe you will love it too? Question, do like ff for the story or gameplay? Because that kinda changes things.

I love FF for story and gameplay. favorite one is ff9 - I love the strategy and adventure... I really should try ff7. I didn't really care for ff8 though. they just made the ff10 and 10-2 remastered Don't know if I should buy that yet.

is persona 4 really that good? its so anime like? and about school kids??? what is this shit?! hahaha jk.. not really.
I love FF for story and gameplay. favorite one is ff9 - I love the strategy and adventure... I really should try ff7. I didn't really care for ff8 though. they just made the ff10 and 10-2 remastered Don't know if I should buy that yet.

is persona 4 really that good? its so anime like? and about school kids??? what is this shit?! hahaha jk.. not really.

Yeah, the high school setting put me off initially, too. But once you start playing, interacting and building relationships with the other students is actually fun. It helps that most of the main characters are really likable. The combat is almost Pokémon-like with each creature (Persona) having its own elemental attacks and weaknesses.
I love FF for story and gameplay. favorite one is ff9 - I love the strategy and adventure... I really should try ff7. I didn't really care for ff8 though. they just made the ff10 and 10-2 remastered Don't know if I should buy that yet.

is persona 4 really that good? its so anime like? and about school kids??? what is this shit?! hahaha jk.. not really.

The thing about persona 4 that impress me the most is really atlus writing style. Even the story have a lot of "magic stuff" in it, everything makes sense in games world. Not even once I said "this is stupid". How many games ( or even movie) have stories what just make sense and doesn't insult your intelligence? Dialogs are writen cleverly, as normal people would talk and not "oh we are the last hope of humanity, everything we do is super inportant", humor is funny and all the characters ar likeable in their own way. Gameplay is really nothing special, standart dungeon crawler with turn based combat, it does it's job. Bosses a really hard though, I bet your ass will be kicked first time you will fight the first one. And there is one in particular, what is just unfairly hard. It took me almost an hour to kill him. Oh and soundtrack... One word - Amazing from big A. And be prepared to listen to a lot of dialog, because you will be siting for 20-30min. at a time doing nothing just listening to the story. So yea, that's my small review of persona 4 golden.

Did ya tried ff12? Probably my favorite combat system in ff games. And for one reason only, no freaking loading screens as it takes maybe 4 hours of ff gameplay time is battle loading screens. And it have hella a lot of sidequest and game it self is huge. Had a blast playing it. I even don't know which one I liked the most - 7 or 12. 7 had a better story, but 12 gameplay is my favorite in any ff game.
Yeah, the high school setting put me off initially, too. But once you start playing, interacting and building relationships with the other students is actually fun. It helps that most of the main characters are really likable. The combat is almost Pokémon-like with each creature (Persona) having its own elemental attacks and weaknesses.

I just bought Persona 4 golden... the graphics are nice and gameplay is excellent... but the beginning is SO boring... way too much dialog. but other than that... its pretty cool. They just released Soul Sacrifice Delta. I wonder how good that is...
The thing about persona 4 that impress me the most is really atlus writing style. Even the story have a lot of "magic stuff" in it, everything makes sense in games world. Not even once I said "this is stupid". How many games ( or even movie) have stories what just make sense and doesn't insult your intelligence? Dialogs are writen cleverly, as normal people would talk and not "oh we are the last hope of humanity, everything we do is super inportant", humor is funny and all the characters ar likeable in their own way. Gameplay is really nothing special, standart dungeon crawler with turn based combat, it does it's job. Bosses a really hard though, I bet your ass will be kicked first time you will fight the first one. And there is one in particular, what is just unfairly hard. It took me almost an hour to kill him. Oh and soundtrack... One word - Amazing from big A. And be prepared to listen to a lot of dialog, because you will be siting for 20-30min. at a time doing nothing just listening to the story. So yea, that's my small review of persona 4 golden.

Did ya tried ff12? Probably my favorite combat system in ff games. And for one reason only, no freaking loading screens as it takes maybe 4 hours of ff gameplay time is battle loading screens. And it have hella a lot of sidequest and game it self is huge. Had a blast playing it. I even don't know which one I liked the most - 7 or 12. 7 had a better story, but 12 gameplay is my favorite in any ff game.

No I haven't played ff12... what's the storyline about? right now, I only have my PS Vita and PC... I wouldn't want to play RPGs on my PC. only StarCraft and any strategy games.
No I haven't played ff12... what's the storyline about? right now, I only have my PS Vita and PC... I wouldn't want to play RPGs on my PC. only StarCraft and any strategy games.
I think you can only appreciate FFXII more if you have played the previous FF titles, on a technical level it is such an improvement that you can love (or hate) depending on how you feel about the previous gameplay mechanics involving turn based combat and random encounters. The story is a bit too complicated with boring bits with characters that you might feel shouldn't even exist in the first place *cough...Vaan...cough*, but overall it's one of the best crafted title in the series, even one of my favorites. It is worth checking it out and buying a PS2 just for it.
To me, Personal 4 Golden is the best game I have ever played. Deep story that will suck you in, and many twist and turns will sustain the story far beyond Final Fantasy games. (Disclosure: I only played 4, 7, and 10). I will not forget P4G any time soon.
it sounds like everyone loves persona 4 golden! I just bought the game and it is really fun... I really need help in progressing... and building diligence and courage... wonder if here is a site for q and a

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