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Official Thread Forum restructuring

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I actually really like the overall structure. I think we should maybe update the logo a little...But I really like the layout. Maybe we could try some different colors.

BTW: If you need help with the logo just let me know. I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff.
I think the forum looks really neat on the whole. Maybe you could add a bit more blue to the forum :) Since blue is one of the primary advertising colours of the vita :)
First of all.
The site in general is pretty neat.
Although in my honest opinion, It'd be nice to have new sections
  • Specially one for Graphics/arts in general...In which a person can post their wallpapers, themes, lockscreens, or photography taken in different places, like landscapes etc. (I for one would love to share my pictures) I know that each member can make their own album...but is often a hassle to look for each individual one.
  • The online chat also needs mayor restructuring, specially when it comes to power/privileges.
  • For the forum categories, Games and Reviews..It'd be nice to have both together and the Reviews as a sub-forum. It'd keep the forum in general less cluttered as most users I think check the Reviews as much as the games...therefore they don't have to start a thread every second on "What game should I get" because by having a Review together with the games it can be the "go-to" forum on which they can read the reviews for the game they would like to get and be able to get reassurance if they want it or not.
  • For the System & Accessories, the Hot Deals would be nice as a sub-forum as well. Because for the Hot Deal section I assume that is for deal related to the Vita only, unless any type of offers is allowed.
  • A facebook page would be cool too, since I'm sure 90%+ here use it everyday. It can make it easier for future announcements or messages that are important for the community. (contests, memos, etc.)
I got more suggestions, but I don't want to over do it.
Great site overall!

my two cents.
First of all.
The site in general is pretty neat.
Although in my honest opinion, It'd be nice to have new sections
Specially one for Graphics/art...In which a person can Post their wallpapers,
themes, lockscreens, or Arts in general like photography taken in different places, like landscapes etc.
(I for one would love to share my pictures) I know that each member can make their own
album...but is often a hassle to look for each individual one.
The online chat also needs mayor restructuring, specially when it comes to power/privileges.
For the forum categories, Games and Reviews..It'd be nice to have both together and the Reviews
as a sub-forum. It'd keep the forum in general less cluttered as most users I think check the Reviews as
much as the games...therefore they don't have to start a thread every second on "What game should I get"
because by having a Review together with the games it can be the "go-to" forum on which they can read the
reviews for the game they would like to get and be able to get reassurance if they want it or not.
For the System & Accessories, the Hot Deals would be nice as a sub-forum as well. Because for the Hot Deal
section I assume that is for deal related to the Vita only, unless any type of offers is allowed.
I got more suggestions, but I don't want to over do it.
A facebook page would be cool too, since I'm sure 90%+ here use it everyday. It can make it
easier for future announcements or messages that are important for the community. (contests, memos, etc.)
Great site overall!

my two cents.
agreed with this post
I think the games section should be organized a bit more. Adding sub forums for different genres and perhaps some of the more popular games would help clean up the clutter in that section. The general Playstation section is fairly active, I think adding some specific sub forums (games, system, etc.) there would help as well.
The first section is overcrowded IMO. Moving Matchmaking and hot deals into 'Everything Playstation' would make the forums look more even. As for Lethals idea, what about making matchmaking into a general PSN/SEN discussion. Just some ideas.
Well I think that the "PSVita Wiki" should go in "System" because now its like a loose file between all of the discussions. I also think that Hot Deals should be moved to General Playstation as a Sub and Reviews should be moved to Games.

As for the site itself, it would be useless to make another color scheme so editing some currents would be nice
Graphically it could benefit from a new background and header/logo but other than that it seems fine to me.
I just had another idea - the OTs take up a lot of space in the Games section so I think there should be a Sub forum inside the Games section, just to keep things tidy. The only disadvantage of this is that people will start making new threads without looking at the OTs of the existing game :oops:
I think the QA section should be elimiated.

PS Vita System and Accessories
Playstation Network [SEN]/Matchmaking
PS Vita Hot Deals
PS Vita Wiki

the rest are fine.
I just had another idea - the OTs take up a lot of space in the Games section so I think there should be a Sub forum inside the Games section, just to keep things tidy. The only disadvantage of this is that people will start making new threads without looking at the OTs of the existing game :oops:
Yeah, we have been considering this.
I also agree with F34R.
I agree with the points from JoeCool, Lethal, F34R. A new icon would be cool to have as well. Things are a tad too cluttered so I'm all about adding the subs.
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