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Announcement CarlosX360 Co. Ltd. has acquired Battlefront Forum!

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Staff member
Doug Veney and Carlos Morales has agreed to a full acquisition of Battlefront Forum. On October 12th, I completed that acquisition. I spent a whole year paying Doug (@WhoIsDo) until I've completed the package agreement. Yes, you heard me right; I acquired Battlefront Forum as part of a package deal. I bought 2 websites with this particular deal - One is Battlefront Forum, and the other one was Destiny Overwatch.

Forum Upgrade
I've upgraded the forum software to the latest version of xenForo. I will continue to do so when new releases become available. However, there's a major upgrade on the horizon. XF2 is being said to be released by the end of this year. Once that happens, the site will move there.

New Domains
I purchased battlefrontcentral.com, battlefront2forum.com, AND battlefront2forums.com to stay current on EA's pending worldwide release of Battlefront II for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. This being a package deal, I've acquired battlefront-forum.com, battlefront-forums.com, and battlefrontgamer.com. They'll be redirecting here.

Note: Some avatars are missing, so if you have a missing avatar, you'll have to re-upload your avatar. The skin seems a bit broken right now, but I'm working on a fix.


About CarlosX360 Co. Ltd:
CarlosX360 is a global gaming network of brands and products delivering content to gamers worldwide. It is an incorporated company based in Northern California that intends to be an global entertainment corporation. CarlosX360 delivers content to PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch gamers worldwide at www.carlos360.com To learn more about CarlosX360 visit its corporate home at www.carlosx360.com
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