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2 Pokemon Apps Coming to eShop

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In THIS thread: Black/White 3DS Treatment we got a sneak peak at what all Nintendo would be doing with the upcoming release of POKEMON BLACK & WHITE 2 coming later this year.

Well, now we know more.

Sometime between Now, and the release of Black and White 2 the 3DS eShop will be getting 2 New Pokemon Apps:

Pokémon Dream Radar and Pokédex 3D Pro will come to Europe and North America later this year, just ahead of the release of Pokémon Black & White 2 for DS.

Dream Radar is a Face Raiders-like experience that sees you catch Pokémon in the real world using augmented reality and motion control. You can then transfer your captured 'mon over to your copy of Pokémon Black & White 2.

Pokédex 3D Pro is the follow-on to Pokédex 3D and features 3D models and statistics of the 600+ Pokémon discovered by Pokémon professors so far. Unlike Pokédex 3D, however, every single Pokémon is unlocked from the start, so no more scanning markers or SpotPassing to complete the set.

--Both Apps will hit the eShop sometime this Fall.


I'd assume it'd be free---but we'll know more later.

and I'm glad it will be ALL the Pokemon, and we'll get em ALL up front
so do I--except I haven't gotten a NEW Pokemon in my Pokedex in a LONG time--and I never got any via QR Codes OR StreetPass/Spotpass...
Like you dude's said, as long as it's free then I'm all for it.

Hope it has better features than the last one...
FyreeTSG said:
so do I--except I haven't gotten a NEW Pokemon in my Pokedex in a LONG time--and I never got any via QR Codes OR StreetPass/Spotpass...

I get 3 pokemon everyday. After 1pm.
All I want to say is that Finally our Pokédex can be 100% complete to do this in the games you had to own EVERY Pokémon game ever created ( not hacks ) and go to EVERY event and trade like crazy but that is not it you can't ever have all the Pokémon in the games because your PC boxes and team don't have like 680 spaces for every Pokémon and their different forms. Anyway again it would be almost impossible to fill up the regular Pokédex 3D unless you know people who have it as well and again you can only have one form of Frillish, one of Jellicent, one of Unfezeant, one of Sawsbuck, one of Deerling and one of the elemental monkeys and its evolution through Spotpass the rest must be found by geting from other people and some legendaries are earned instantly by scanning their QR code.
Well you could get all the Pokemon by releasing them after you get them and it will still count them. Plus when you over 600 you won't need that many spots because some Pokemon have several evolutions. So you could get 3 pokedex Pokemon but only take up one slot.
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