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  1. Shinonome

    PSVita Kotaku has some positive things to say

    Yeah, it's one of the only sites so far posting anything about Vita. The review was pretty positive and kotaku I'd say has a decent record. The user interface was also praised and I can't say I disagree after looking through several gameplay videos.
  2. Shinonome

    PSVita 321,000 units SOLD!

    That's great. Hope they can keep it up till the NA release and for the rest of next year and fix the problems current in the japan release and make it a perfect launch.
  3. Shinonome

    PSVita Negative criticism of PS Vita from NeoGaf users

    It's kind of mixed. Some say it looks good, some say it doesn't but this guy took a screenshot. Not sure if it's real. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=455283&page=41
  4. Shinonome

    PSVita Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die Anime Opening

    I've tried visual novels on A DS before. It's pointless. It removes the idea of visual novel because you have to look up and down all the time. Sounds alright now but in practice, it involves reading the whole sentence properly then looking up on the screen to see the image. The whole point of...
  5. Shinonome

    PSVita Syphon filter

    It's not exactly the latest news. Syphon series is pretty good. Played the PSP versions. The only thing I disliked about it was the controls where it took time to get used to since it lacked an analog stick.
  6. Shinonome

    PSVita TGS trailers

    YS Kind of reminds me of Soma Bringer. It's a instant buy. Just hope that most of these games turn out well.
  7. Shinonome

    PSVita PS VITA Battery Life Is--------

    If the battery life is going to be that small and unable to be changed, will they provide some sort of device that's portable that can help charge the device. A bit like a spare battery but you charge it instead of replacing it because 3-5 hours for me is a little insufficient.