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  • Hey nobo, add me to Skype if you've got it; teflontactics - otherwise, I'll be in the other chat - I'm out, eff 'dis place. :P
    hey did you get the email from leap motion? they said they're shipping in may
    Actually, no i didn't.
    It's probably I canceled the pre-order.

    I read the forum and I found out it won't work on most of my computer being older apple OS.

    It'd just cost me too much to just upgrade everything just to use for leap motion..

    It's unfortunate but.. maybe in near future when I decided to buy new mac :)

    Let me know how it goes when you get them!!
    Is your avatar from Ni no Kuni?
    never noticed msg on my own profile... (never checked it). I'm sure it's too late to answer you, but yes, my old avator was from ni no kuni
    Master Jay
    Master Jay
    No problem, I was just curious.
    I imported japanese version, and loved it... i highly recommend if you like old school jrpg type of game
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