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  • Working on my Youtube review of the Ganss G.S 87 Mechanical Keyboard..Waiting on my Review sample Keycaps from Originative to do next.
    Already bought more games for my one month old Xbox One than my PS4 since launch...2015 better be a better year for you PS4!
    yes, I love my vita.. and it has a tonne of games. Its sad seeing the NA sales numbers... but its happy seeing the JPN numbers :)
    Indeed,I have more Vita games pre ordered right now than i do PS4 and PC combined.
    Currently Playing Vita= Mind 0,PS4=Tomb Raider Definitive Edition,Android=Puzzles And Dragons,PC=Nothing at Moment
    It's good. But I am slightly disappointed because I went into it with really high expectations. XD
    Fair enough i always did that with each PSO series :p
    I went into SAO expecting its story to be on par with the anime and its gameplay to be on par with xenoblade chronicles.

    Unfortunately, the story isn't really interesting. It is mostly fan service for fans of the anime who want to interact with the characters.

    While its gameplay is similar to Xenoblade, the game is easy enough just mashing circle, so it isn't as satisfying.
    Everyone i know buying TLOU remastered i still can't justify the Price to graphics difference still the same game iv'e beaten already.
    Trade in the original to gamestop. they are doing a really good upgrade deal. Cost me $20 to upgrade.
    My copy is digital or I may have done that.
    Did not rebuy The Last of Us ordered Curse of the Great Curry God "Hot and Spicey and everything Nicey" LE and some Gulden Draak
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