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Welcome to Destroy Repeat

We are the gaming and tech community for you

A gamer since 1984, a mech enthusiast since before that, a past idea man, tester, and still a manager of 13+ years.

I've recently been getting back into my anime watching, enjoying some live action TV shows as they've once again become competent, burn in hell Lost and reality shows, and still regulating life as I ride through it with a soundtrack around my ears. I'm also a man who can type at a significant rate and size.

I'm friendly, not afraid of questions, and glad to give input on plenty, provided you have access through the avenues of contact I'm down with. If you're reading this, good chance this site may become one of them.

Fellow pilots are extremely welcome.

P.S. I applaud the exposing of dirty tactics like those used by Anita Sarkeesian seeking a gravy train through the harmful slander of people's artistic works. Remember her for her attempt to manipulate an industry in ways not even her own supposed represented people agree with.

What people wish to play in their own homes is their business, and trying to shame an industry into giving special treatment and un fair monetizing should be quickly exposed.

Most men and women agree. You failed, girl. You failed.
Aug 25, 1980 (Age: 43)
Thought to take up various networks.
Being a boss. Running off with mechs.




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